Community News

D.C. United teams up with USO-Metro at Ft. Belvoir in support of U.S. Troops

D.C. United announced today that the club will volunteer forthe United Service Organizations’ Operation Care Package program on Thursday,September 1 from 3:00 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. ET. Thirty D.C. United volunteers,including five players, will join volunteers from the USO of MetropolitanWashington at the USO Warehouse on Fort Belvoir in Virginia to assemble carepackages for U.S. troops overseas. 

United players Steve Cronin, Kurt Morsink, Daniel Woolard,Stephen King, and Assistant Coach Pat Onstad will be alongside D.C. Unitedstaff members, supporters, and Volkswagen staff helping USO-Metro preparehundreds of packages complete with sunscreen, snacks, playing cards,toiletries, and additional items to be sent to U.S. deployed soldiers insupport and appreciation of overseas troops.  

“As we remember the tenth anniversary of 9/11 this year, itis only fitting that we remember our deployed troops fighting in the waragainst terror,” said Elaine Rogers, President and CEO of the USO ofMetropolitan Washington. “We cannot think of a better way to do that thanassembling care packages. Since the war started these small tokens ofappreciation from the American public have become the hallmark of thanks fromthe American people.” 

Since 2002, the USO has sent more than 2.1 million carepackages through Operation USO Care Package. These care packages include items the troops have specifically requestedsuch as prepaid calling cards, toiletries, snacks, batteries, readingmaterials, sunscreen, and baby wipes. Each package also contains a personal message of support and thanks froma member of the American public. 

Players: Steve Cronin, Kurt Morsink, Daniel Woolard, StephenKing, Pat Onstad

What: USO Operation Care Package

When: Thursday, September 1; 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. ET

Where: Fort Belvoir, Fairfax, Va.   

About the USO:

The USO of Metropolitan Washington is a nonprofit 501(c)(3)organization chartered by Congress and dedicated to “Serving those who serve,and their families,” in Washington D.C., Maryland and Northern Virginia. It isthrough the generous financial support of individuals and organizations in thelocal community that USO-Metro is able to fulfill its mission. With the help ofnearly 5,000 devoted volunteers, USO-Metro provides programs and services foractive duty service members and their families at area military hospitals;through its Mobile USO program; at five USO Centers; four USO airport loungesand through Operations USO Care Package. For more information please visit