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Team Zaryen to conduct soccer clinics at RFK Training Field

D.C.United announced today that the club will host two soccer clinics run by theHaitian amputee soccer team, Team Zaryen on Tuesday, October 18 and Wednesday,October 19. The sessions will begin at 10:30 a.m. ET on the RFK Training Fieldand will be followed by a scrimmage with the U.S. National Amputee Soccer Team.Military personnel from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center have beeninvited by D.C. United to participate in the clinics. 

TeamZaryen will also perform a halftime demonstration during United’s home matchagainst the Portland Timbers on Wednesday, October 19, with kickoff set for8:00 p.m. ET. Team Zaryen, the U.S. National Amputee Soccer Team, and themilitary personnel from Walter Reed have all been invited to attend the match. 

Thesoccer clinics and scrimmages will be part of the “Haitian Inspiration Tour”,which will serve as a gesture of gratitude towards the American militarypersonnel for their post-earthquake relief assistance after the devastating 7.0earthquake that struck Port-au-Prince, Haiti in January 2010. 

Inaddition to three days in Washington, the tour will feature a visit toHartford, Conn., where Team Zaryen will meet Governor Dannel Malloy, a soccerclinic with students in Stamford, Conn., and a visit to New York.  The team will offer brief demonstrations ofamputee soccer during professional U.S. soccer games in Washington (D.C. Unitedvs. Portland Timbers, Wednesday, October 19) and New York (New York Red Bullsvs. Philadelphia Union, Thursday, October 20). 

TeamZaryen and the Haitian Inspiration Tour are co-sponsored by Project Medishareand the Knights of Columbus. Project Medishare operates the most modern andwell-equipped hospital in Haiti, and it provided critical emergency medicalcare within hours of the 2010 earthquake. Knights of Columbus currently fundsprosthetic limbs for every child amputee who lost a limb in theearthquake.   

Formore information on the Haitian Inspiration Tour, please visit