D.C. United announced todaythat its charitable arm, United for D.C. will host a happy hour fundraisingevent at The Iron Horse Taproom on Wednesday, November 9. Partnering with D.C.United and Yuengling, the event will support Razoo’s “Give to the Max Day”initiative. In addition, United midfielder Chris Pontius will be onsite from7:00-8:30 p.m.
Razoo’s “Give to the Max Day”will take place on November 9, uniting local Maryland, Virginia, andWashington, D.C. communities to support nonprofit organizations serving thearea. Razoo’s goal is to get thousands of local residents to support theirfavorite regional charity, raising millions in donations and grants in just 24hours. Razoo will offer several cash incentives to inspire nonprofit and donorparticipation in the day of giving.
United for D.C.’s Happy Hourfundraising event will run from 5:00-9:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 9 at TheIron Horse Taproom. The focus of United’s charitable arm will be fundraisingfor its signature program, United Soccer Club, with the goal of reaching$10,000 by the end of Wednesday night.
Founded in 2002, United for D.C. serves youth and families with afocus on healthy lifestyles, literacy and education, and improving lifeskills. United Soccer Club, sponsored by the U.S.Soccer Foundation, Volkswagen, Gallup and The D.C. Department of Health, is oneof the many community outreach ventures of United for D.C. Others include theKicks for Kids program, through which thousands of underprivileged childrenwill have an opportunity to watch United play this season, as well as UnitedReads, currently presented in six DC elementary schools. This programdistributes nearly 8,000 books during player visits throughout the year.
Formore information on United for D.C. or any of its signature programs, pleasevisit www.unitedfordc.org or contactAprile Pritchet at 202-587-5453 or apritchet@dcunited.com.
For more information onRazoo’s “Give to the Max Day” please go to http://give2max.razoo.com/.