Community News

United Drives to collect games and toys during June

Throughout the 2011 MajorLeague Soccer season, D.C. United collects items at every home game to benefitpre-determined non-profit organizations within the Washington, D.C.Metropolitan Area.  This June, theclub will collect games and toys for the kids at Children’s National MedicalCenter and The Children’s Center in support of United Drives. As a D.C. Unitedsignature program, United Drives assigns a different charity drive for eachmonth of the MLS regular season, including the collection of soccer equipment,food, children’s books, and school supplies.

TheChildren’s National Medical Center is one of the top twenty pediatric hospitalsin the country and has been serving the healthcare needs of families for over125 years. Children’s National Medical Center never turns away a sick child andincurs a $14 million deficit in order to treat every patient.

The Children’s Center wasstarted in 1991 with a few children. It has grown to nearly 75 children betweenthe ages of 6 and 14. The center offers homework assistance, arts and crafts,reading, computer learning, organized team sports, recreation and a snack andevening meal. When school is not in session, the center offers summer programsincluding swimming, camping, and weekly field trips as well as 3 meals.

Games and toys may includeboard games, video games, activity books, Fisher Price sets, jewelry/craftkits, and anything that can keep children entertained during their time in thehospital rooms. 

A D.C. United Challenge hasbeen established to help encourage and create an opportunity for elementary andmiddle schools to give back to the community.  It provides a competition between D.C. area schools tocollect the greatest amount of United Drives items each month.  The monthly winners will receive apizza party with a D.C. United player to celebrate the schools’achievement.  If your institutionis interested in taking The Challenge, please contact D.C. United’s CommunityRelations Department.

Additionally, all fans thatdonate an item will receive a “Buy One, Get One Free” ticket voucher,redeemable for a 2011 regular season home game.  The collection bin on game days is located outside RFKStadium’s Gate A, and is open from two hours prior to the game until 15 minutesafter kickoff.

Donations are also acceptedin the D.C. United offices on non-game days, located on the fourth floor ofGate A.  This season marks theeighth year of the United Drives campaign, which collects much-needed items tohelp with each beneficiary mission. 

For more information onUnited Drives or any of the D.C. United’s community initiatives, please call(202) 587-5000.